Checkmate Legal Definition

In the position shown, White checkmates slightly by limiting the black king to a rectangle and narrowing the rectangle to force the king to the edge of the painting: according to the barnhart Etymological Dictionary, the term checkmate is a variant of the Persian expression «shāh māt» (شاه مات), which means «the king is powerless». [7] Persian «māt» refers to the king, but in Sanskrit «māta», also pronounced «māt», it was applied to his kingdom, which was carefully «crossed, measured and evaluated» by his opponent; «māta» is the past participle of the verb root of «mā». [8] Others claim that it means «the king is dead» because chess came to Europe through the Arab world, and the Arabic māta (مَاتَ) means «death» or «died.» T92 [10] Moghadam continued the etymology of the word mate. It comes from a Persian verb mandan (ماندن), which means «to stay», which is related to the Latin word maneō and the Greek menō (μένω, which is «I stay»). It means «remained» in the sense of «abandoned» and the formal translation is «surprised», in the military sense of «attacked». [11] «Shāh» (شاه) is the Persian word for the monarch. Players proclaimed «Shāh» when the king was at a distance. «Māt» (مات) is a Persian adjective for «perplexed», «helpless» or «defeated». Thus, the king is mating when he is invaded, perplexed, helpless, defeated or left to his fate. [12] In chess, the king is never really captured – the player loses as soon as the player`s king is defeated.

In formal games, it is generally considered a good etiquette to give up an inevitably lost game before it is defeated. [1] [2] It is impossible to force the checkmate with a king and two knights, although checkmate positions are possible (see the first diagram). In the second diagram, when black plays 1. Ka8?? White can be defeated with 2. Nbc7#, but black can 1. Kc8 and escape the threat. The defender`s task is simple – he simply needs to avoid putting himself in a position where he can be defeated in the next move, and he always has another movement available in such situations. [51] The first diagram shows the basic position of the checkmate with a tower that can occur at any edge of the board. The black king can be on any square at the edge of the board, the white king contrasts with this, and the tower can check from any square in the base (provided it cannot be caught). The second diagram shows a slightly different position where the kings are not in opposition, but the king defending must be in a corner.

There are also positions where a king and a knight can defeat a king and a bishop, a knight or a tower; Or a king and a bishop can defeat a king with a bishop of the other color of the squares or with a knight, but the checkmate cannot be forced if there is no other material on the board (see the diagrams for some examples). [49] Nevertheless, this prevents these material combinations from being considered a draw under FIDE`s chess rules due to «insufficient mating equipment» or «impossibility of checkmate». The rules of the American Chess Federation are different. In a typical position with a small figure against a small figure, a player could claim a draw if he only has a limited amount of time left. [50] If the side moves with the bishop and the knight, the checkmate can be forced to no more than thirty-three movements from any starting position,[37] except those in which the king in defense first plugs the bishop and the knight and it is not possible to defend both. However, the mating process requires precise play, as some mistakes can lead either after the fifty-stroke rule or to a dead end. Is there anything else you are currently advocating to improve the legal system and your clients? In some rare positions, it is possible to force a checkmate with a king and riders against a king and a pawn. Checkmate is a chess position where a player`s king is threatened with capture and there is no way to counter the threat. Or, simply put, the king is attacked directly and cannot avoid being captured. Being a checkmate is the ultimate goal of chess: a player who is defeated loses the game.