Definition for Sensationalised

Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of additional definitions and advanced search — ad-free! Telling a story in an exaggerated and exaggerated way to make it more exciting is sensationalism. Trustworthy newspapers avoid sensationalism and instead stick to the facts. It must aim to obtain a majority on its side, and it can only do so through sensationalism. There was no reason to exaggerate – to penny news or sensationalism. The sensationalist element did not escape Furden, who began writing about the Gucci family drama as WWD`s chief correspondent and then drew on his years of reporting to write his book. His men understood him perfectly, and no one inside the walls of the barracks had the slightest idea of the potential sensationalism of his words. One of his friendliest letters of recommendation warned that his purse was «open to accusations of sensationalism.» If you write an article for the school newspaper called «Aliens Suspected in Graffiti Incident,» your editor will likely accuse you of sensationalism. Sacrificing accuracy for drama can draw readers in, but your sensationalism means they can`t trust the stories you write. In philosophy, on the other hand, this word is used to believe that true knowledge is based solely on what you perceive through your senses. She said that the drug bridge attracts the predictable sensationalism of a press crowd that has received its drug use cues from tamer festivals. The history of journalism is full of false reporting, sensationalism and widespread misunderstandings. Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms to sensationalize On television, Brzezinski and others try to be more sensitive to the implications of a slight sensationalism. In recent years, California has become the national abbreviation for sensationalism.

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