— You can make an appointment with a lawyer at the legal office at 673 ABW (at the People Center — tel. 907-552-3046) or at the Richardson Legal Assistance Office (located in building #600 — tel. 907-384-0371). Walk-in services are available in Building 600 on Wednesdays from 8:30 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 16:30. — For notarial and proxy services, you can go to the legal office 673 ABW (in the People Center) on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. or at the Richardson Legal Aid Office (Building #600) Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed on the third Thursday of the month from 12:00 to 16:30. Where can I get help?- A good place to start is the Air Force Legal Assistance website: aflegalassistance.law.af.mil/lass/lass.html, which has information on many common mutual legal aid issues. There are also worksheets that you can complete online before you personally receive your will or authority. If you fill out a worksheet in advance, your visit to the office may be faster.- If you are filling out a will worksheet, please write down your ticket number and call 552-3048 to provide your will note number to the trainee lawyer. If you do not, your documents cannot be created before the time of your appointment and will extend your visit.- If you are filling out a worksheet for a power of attorney, write down your ticket number and bring it with you when you receive your power of attorney. It is in your best interest to get legal help quickly to deal with your situation. There are times when hiring a lawyer quickly is crucial to your case, such as if you are accused of a crime. It may also be in your best interest for a lawyer to check the fine print before signing legal documents. A lawyer can also help you get the compensation you deserve if you have suffered a serious injury.
For matters where money or property is at stake, a lawyer who guides you through the complexities of the legal system can save you time, trouble, and perhaps a lot of grief in the long run. For most consumer law matters, the size of the firm is much less important than the experience, competence and reputation of the lawyer(s) handling your case. Some of the most important factors when choosing a lawyer include your comfort level with the lawyer or practice, and the lawyer`s track record in achieving quick and successful solutions to cases similar to yours. Senior counsel independently reviews health care power of attorney lawyers in JBER and reviews their position with Alaska Bar Associations. If you have a debilitating medical condition that may not make you able to make informed decisions about your medical care, a JBER lawyer can help you prepare a power of attorney for health for you and properly execute the document. Prepare for your consultation by taking notes on your understanding of the case, noting the lawyer`s questions and concerns, and gathering your documents. Keep in mind that you are trying to find out if the lawyer has your trust and can help you resolve your legal issues. Questions should include how the lawyer intends to resolve your issue, how many years he/she has practiced as an attorney and practiced specifically in your area, and how many cases similar to yours the attorney has handled. It may also be helpful to address the issue of fees in order to understand the likely cost and structure of your representation by a particular lawyer and/or legal team. A power of attorney for health care is a document that gives another person limited temporary authority to act on your behalf.
You agree in writing that the person you designate as your health worker can make decisions about your medical treatment and health care. 673 Joint Base ABW/JA Elmendorf-Richardson The information provided here is intended to familiarize you with the legal aid services available. If you have a legal problem or a potential legal problem, do not hesitate to consult your legal advisor. Here`s who is entitled to legal assistance, what kind of help is available and who to contact. Who is entitled to legal aid?- Eligible beneficiaries include: members on active duty. Including the following 10 title orders: Air Force Reserve, Air Force National Guard, USAF Academy Cadets and Contract Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadets. Pensioners and dependents are also eligible. This list also includes victims of crime. ARF and ANG NOT in active educational status can receive the following services: wills, medical directives, POA, SCRA, USERRA and notarial services.
What kind of help can I get?- The following list is not exhaustive. We may see clients for the following legal matters, including but not limited to: Affidavit – A sworn written statement. An affidavit is intended to be a document in support of the court to help verify certain facts. An affidavit may or may not require notarization. — Consumer/financial issues: automobiles, bankruptcy, consumer fraud, contracts, credit protection, military guards, identity theft — Family law: adoption, alimony, divorce and separation, marriage, name change, child custody — Immigration / Naturalization — Powers of attorney — Real estate: landlord-tenants and real estate — Personnel — Civil Assistance to Military Act — Taxation: income tax, residence/legal residence, Tax Use and Exclusions — Voting — Wills and Estate Planning — Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights — VA Benefits.