DCWP enforces the city`s Consumer Protection Act and uses mediation to help you resolve complaints against a business. Consumer Federation of America is a non-profit research, advocacy, and education organization. CFA does not handle consumer complaints. There are agencies and organizations you can turn to if you need help resolving a complaint with a company or want to formally report a problem. If you are looking for information about complaints about a specific company, you should check the consumer complaint information online. The Consumer Protection Commission (CPSC) has created a database to help consumers report unsafe products and investigate safety risks of a variety of products. You should file a complaint if you have a problem with a business and need help resolving that issue. Would you like to order a copy of your free credit report? Or do you find out how to get a refund for a defective product? Maybe you`re buying a car or exploring a way to make money. The Consumer Protection Office offers tips and advice on money and loans, homes and mortgages, health and fitness, jobs and making money, and privacy and identity. You can also file a complaint to report anti-competitive mergers, price-fixing practices and other illegal practices. If you notice any price reductions or improper or illegal business practices, please file a complaint online or call our Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-621-0508. You can report a problem with a product regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Timely reporting allows the Agency to take immediate action.
The FDA evaluates each report to determine the severity of the problem and may request additional information if necessary. If you have any complaints about the flight service other than safety issues, you can write a complaint to the Ministry of Transportation (DOT) here. All complaints are entered into the Ministry of Transport`s Aviation Computerized Surveillance System and billed to the company concerned in the monthly air travel consumer report. This report will be distributed to the industry and made available to the news media and the public so that consumers and air carriers can compare complaint data from each airline and tour operator. Below are several federal agencies that collect consumer complaints and use this information to monitor the industry they regulate. Keep in mind, however, that few of these agencies — especially the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission — require a company to respond to your complaint. Not all federal organizations that receive complaints are listed below. If you don`t see an agency that seems to accept your type of complaint, read the Consumer Action Handbook (above) as it provides additional information on how to file consumer complaints.
As the national consumer protection agency, the FTC receives complaints about companies that don`t keep their promises or scam people with money. We share these complaints with our law enforcement partners and use them to investigate fraud and eliminate unfair business practices. Each year, the FTC also publishes a report that provides information on the number and type of complaints we receive. DCCA fosters a strong and healthy business environment while protecting the community from fraudulent and unfair business practices. 1. Know who you`re dealing with. Go to www.businesscheck.hawaii.gov to check if a company`s name is registered, information about business licenses, general excise information, and information about a person`s or company`s complaint history. The PCO Business Centre provides simple language to help businesses understand their responsibilities and comply with laws. Search by topic – advertising and marketing, credit and finance, privacy and security – or by industry to find what you need. A trusted source of research and information on the impact of technology on consumers, the Office of Technology Research and Investigation conducts independent studies, evaluates new marketing practices, and provides advice to consumers, businesses, and policymakers. He also assists FTC investigators and lawyers in consumer protection matters by providing technical expertise, investigative support and training.
3. Protect your personal data. Only share your personal information with companies you trust and do business with. If you think your identity has been compromised, see the Identity theft link for more information on what to do. Reports on hazardous products help the Commission protect the public from undue risk of injury or death. While CSPC staff cannot respond to each report individually, the Commission`s database helps identify product hazard trends much more quickly and effectively. There are a variety of consumer agencies in each state.